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  • People in Singapore are pretty much a fans of everything called “world’s the most”. They will be equaly happy to have the largest/fastest/most expensive as well as the smallest and cheapest. The only must is to not have anything better anywhere else. Of course, after having an opportunity to see all this, it may seem a little stupid to begin my story about Songapore with the restaurant, but, listen, first of all, it was really were tasty, and secondly it is the higest al fresco (which means – roofless) restaurant in the world. Impressed now?:)

  • We met with Julia, Live Up! blog author a realy long time ago (it was the first day of that Gaudi printet Seat test-drive, as far as I can remember:) ), but somehow this interview stayed undone for many months. Well, I might have a couple of ideas, why!

    Julia is such a strong and determinated person. Three years ago she changed her life and eating habbits totally. And I’m still here, dreaming, but not making it. But let me feel shamed now! Hope, this post will make me stop finding reasons for another peace of chocolate.

  • Do you agree, that people always associate cities they’ve been to with some unexpected places or moments, that might seem really not important first. Just pronounce any town name you’ve ever been to and try to ketch the first memory your brains would give to you. Recently we realized that for us New York, for example, is forever a parking spot near the supermarket, where we went shopping, wile spending there our summer, and that unusual Staten Island subway. Isn’t it strange? Cause we have really seen a lot there!

    And what will I now remember about Pereslavl-Zaleskiy?

  • You can’t even imagine how jealous I was, when my colleague went to Israel desert for a yoga! Most of all I was jealous of the “Israel” part, cause this country totallyblew my mind away last spring with its outstanding authentiсity, incredibly wonderful nature and, it goes without saying, delicious food. So I just couldn’t believe my eyes when suddenly received an invitation to spend a week here from the IsraelMinistry of Tourism. All I wanted to do that moment – is immediately jump into the plane and leave everything behind! But a long month of waiting and anticipation past before I got final approval from them. Seems like my strong anticipation ruined all my plans for strong emotions here, so during my first day in Jerusalem I was really calm and completely un-emotional.

    But that wascertainly just the beginning:) And all the best was kept for the dessert. Imean, for lunch, which we had in a wonderful local restaurant MachneYuda (or “Yuda’s Camp”), where I dived into an atmosphere of bright colors, feelings and tastes, I needed!

  • When I’m saying I’m in love with food I literally mean it. Alesha sometimes thinks I have an addiction, like from drugs:) ‘m one of those eating tasty dish till the end even if they are about to burst.

    And because of that we could have never skipped an invitation from London restaurant CUT for a dinner, despite the fact we were so tired that day that only wanted to stay in room and lie on a bad. Despite even the fact I don’t eat meat and CUT is a steakhouse:)

  • На прошлой неделе я впервые лично ощутила всю абсурдность экономической ситуации в России. Когда вместо привычных 4 000 рублей заплатила кредит за учебу в размере 10 с лишним тысяч. Вот так-то брать долларовые кредиты:) Знаете, в тот день мне действительно стало страшно за то, что и как будет завтра. Вроде бы ситуация развивается уже не первый день, говоришь о ней постоянно, но воспринимаешь скорее как сюжет из сериала, пока это не коснется лично тебя. Но какие бы сложности не складывались вокруг, я привыкла смотреть на все с оптимизмом и верой в будущее. Вернуть привычное состояние души и правильные мысли мне помог Мишель Ломбарди, обаятельный и общительный шеф-повар ресторана "Река". Вообще-то, Мишель ведет свой блог на сайте marieclaire.ru и делает это так интересно, так живо, что я немедленно напросилась на личное знакомство!

  • Пару дней назад нами овладела ностальгия по Америке и американским гастрономическим радостям. Их у нас было несколько: шоколадный сироп Hershey’s, мандариновые желешки в форме колечек и, конечно, претцели. Америка просто больна этими крендельками, их популярность не смогли поколебать даже повальное увлечение спортом, здоровой пищей и whole foods супермаркеты в соседних от кондитерских дверях.

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