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  • Lifestyle

    Happy New Year!

    by Kseniia

    Happy 2017, our dearest readers! What I was thinking about today is whether this NYE turned to be really unusual only for us or everybody where kinda lacking that festive mood and excitement? Frankly speaking, me and Alex welcomed this year happily sleeping in bed:) And it was the first time for me to avoid overindulging and staying up till the early morning, what was always my favorite thing to do! So instead of sharing that missing vibes, I wanted, yes, once again discuss some food moments with you (don’t you feel I’m a bit overusing this theme lately? Seems like I’ve been really obsessed with the delicious cuisine!) – and let it be Christmas and New Year food this time.

  • Video

    More vlogs from New Zealand

    by Kseniia
    Hi from New Zealand! This is how every our vlog begins. More than two months ago we couldn’t imagine that every Tuesday and Thursday we will be showing you the part of our life. Before New Year comes we decided to sum it all up and remind you to watch some episodes of our 21 vlogs.
  • FoodTravel

    Birthday lunch at Terrace Kitchen Rotorua

    by Kseniia

    You don’t get a perfect Birthday every year, agree? Otherwise there is nothing special in those that really stand out. But sipping on the sweet Chai Latte at the sunny Kitchen Terrace in Rotorua yesterday I noticed a lady next to me reading my article in the new issue of UNO. magazine. Gosh, I was so happy and surprised! And at that moment I knew for sure – my 27th Birthday is definitely the most amazing ever! So I wanted to share that relaxed yet exiting atmosphere of my special day with you today.

  • FashionLifestyle

    Magical sunset in Tauranga

    by Kseniia

    “Don’t take it for granted” – that was the name of my article in the latest UNO. magazine issue. And you know what? We really DO take so much for granted, that tend to think our life is boring and ordinary, when really it is exciting and worth being happy every day.

  • Lifestyle

    The best photos of 2016

    by Kseniia
    Today we want to share some of the best moments of 2016 with you. We were surprised to find out that never ever yet have we collected all our photos in one post, though it sounds so obvious and logical! That is why the huge text summary of the year is still ahead, but here are the coolest photos we took during the year.
  • What do people normally do in December? Well, besides rushing out for Christmas presents, of course:) Planning the future year, what else! If you’re currently in the middle of choosing a new exciting destination to discover in 2017, here I am with my calendar of the best places for each month of the year. Because the right weather is obviously at least 50% of your good emotions while traveling. Who wants to spend beach holidays hiding from the rain, or skiing in a nasty dirt instead of a fluffy snow? So the perfect approach to planning a travel is to always start from checking the high season.

  • Travel

    A small piece of Saint-Petersburg

    by Kseniia

    Summer for me is a time to visit Saint-Petersburg and it’s suburbs. That is because in last couple of years we have been to this city for several times. So it became an unexpected, but really cool tradition. It is always awesome to be on a road, stop at gas stations, have coffee, snacks. This feeling is definitely one of my favourites. This autumn we talked a lot about our summer trip to suburbs of Saint-Petersburg, but one thing is still missing – photo story of our day in this amazing city.

  • Lifestyle

    How to find a job in New Zealand

    by Kseniia

    How to find a job in New Zealand? This is an important question for people who are coming here from abroad. Obviously not everyone can study in New Zealand and have an opportunity not to work. We tried to sum up all our knowledge and experience in this subject and give you some useful information about job search in New Zealand.

  • Travel

    Austrian skiing resorts: Bad Gastein

    by Kseniia

    There are two types of mountains: beautiful and super-beautiful. But there is also a third category – mountains, that will change your life forever! I don’t know why, but Alps for me are exactly like that! Everything is very special about this place: landscapes, people, sunrises seen through the terrace, food. My first experience of exploring the Alps was in Switzerland. And I left my heart there forever! Who knew, Austrian Alps would be so familiar but so new at the same time. No matter, if you’re in love with the mountains like me or didn’t have a chance to become a fan yet, while visiting Europe’s most skiing country, you will definitely discover all the advantages of winter holidays.

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