Home Blog


by Kseniia

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  • How many times have you been abroad? And traveled in Russia? I’m sure it’s so unfair that Russia is being somehow ignored as a tourist destination by its citizens. While I still think of our last year trip as of the most wonderful even of the year. In order to show you how great our country can be, we collaborated with the best blogers from different cities in a project called Live your life, Love your city.

    And tomorrow (I mean – today) it is finally happening!!

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    #programmperfectworld: first results

    by Kseniia
    by Kseniia

    A month ago I and Alesha started to attend fitness club. Well, technically he is the only one to actually start, cause I only moved to another club. Going in for sports together was our lifetime dream. So we desided to make something big of it. To make it a programm of improving ourselfs. Of course, first of all it will be about being fit, but we’re also going to improve our eating and lifestyle. And we will show the results here every month.

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    #TSJgopro chronicles. Issue 1

    by Kseniia
    by Kseniia

    Since we bought go pro camera, our life will never be the same again. Just kidding, the only thing that really changed is the forshortening of the photos:) Everything else remains the same, so much the same that we constantly forget pur camera at home or forget to take pictures with it – like we never had it! But anyway, when everything goes good, we receive funny and interesting shots

    That is why we decided to share them with you. Some of them you have seen already (in Instagram with the hashtag #TSJgopro), and some of them are truly exclusive. So, what was our July all about?

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    Miami, see you!

    by Kseniia
    by Kseniia
    Perhaps there was an obvious reason for me to save this post for so long. Cause it’s the last outfit we shooted in our wonderful Miami. But well, of course, there is still video left:) But anyway I feel like saying "Good bye" for the second time now… I don’t want this city to turn into my memories.
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    Alexa Chung It

    by Kseniia
    by Kseniia

    This must be the strangest book I’ve ever read. The first strange thing about it is the fact that I’ve read it all while traveling from home to work. The last time it happened was with the kids version of “Aibolit”:) But it doesn’t mean It by Alexa Chung somehow lacks in texts. It looks like a common text book from the first sight.

    And from the second?

  • Think a little – woman’s wardrobe is actually a very strange thing. If not to say – a miracle thing:) We adopted so many pieces from others (like overalls from gardeners, polo from golf, even heels were first invented for men!), so it can be hard sometimes to name a piece that is traditionally and originaly ours basic wardrobe detail. But I can predict that this summer a new sphere is growing so popular that it’s time for us for a new adoption:) I’m talking about extreme sports, of course. Snowboarding shoes we were already wearing for a few seasons (some people call them “moon boots”, but I still see the other analogy). Now it’s turn for summer sports.

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    Moscow City Racing 2014

    by Kseniia
    by Kseniia

    Last time I visited Moscow City Racing was about five years ago. And all I can remember now is how much over tanned I became afterwards. Even the other sides of knees hurted! Let me tell you everything in details:) We were studying at journalism faculty back then and there was no chance for blocked Moscow center, overwhelmed with police and dogs or told to be up the “Moscow” hotel snipers to frighten us. Somehow we managed to get into the faculty yard, climbed over the giant plants water barrel and spent no less than 5 over super hot hours there.

  • Пару дней назад нами овладела ностальгия по Америке и американским гастрономическим радостям. Их у нас было несколько: шоколадный сироп Hershey’s, мандариновые желешки в форме колечек и, конечно, претцели. Америка просто больна этими крендельками, их популярность не смогли поколебать даже повальное увлечение спортом, здоровой пищей и whole foods супермаркеты в соседних от кондитерских дверях.

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    There is no place I’d rather be

    by Kseniia
    by Kseniia

    Could the illustrations and video for this post be any more in time than now? Freankly speaking, I quite often get mad that we never update the blog the way I planned. Oh yes, I’m that kind of planning monster. Every weekend I’m planning next week schedule and the last week of the month is time to plan next month. I even plan when and how to make plans! And afterwards comes the reality and as a fact my perfect timing has nothing to do with this.

    That is exactly how things went with the post about our journey to the fairy land – Disneyland in Orlando. I planned it for the first time in May. And here goes July and the long waited update!:) But I will kill myself if today is not the best day to look through this possitive video for the 100 time (I already did it! Didn’t you think I’m strong enough to publish it as soon as I only received it?:) ), to smile while looking through sunny, wonderful photos. Now when I’m right in the middle of my “do or die” program – German language intensity (5 days a week for 3 hours each time), new project at work and new mega-blog-project (just hold your fingers for us now, please!), and all this just at the same time, – it’s so cool to remind myself of that days full of lazy happiness.


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