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by Kseniia

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  • Due to all the travelling preparings we didn’t have enought time to visit Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia this season. The only exception was Mariano di Vaio blog talk I was hosting and a couple of fashion shows by my beloved or new for me designers. One from the last group is Zalina Verkhovskaya, the season’s debutant. I’m always curious about totally new collections, which you can’t have any pre-opinion about yet. It’s better to formulate it yourself, isn’t it? Hope you also like to find new interesting names, cause we prepared special video coverage for you. This day was kind of crazy, but very emotional and magical anyway.
  • FashionOur works

    Riga Fashion Week.Day 2

    by Kseniia
    by Kseniia
    Second day of Riga Fashion Week started with show-room Madam Bonbon presentation. This one is such a conceptual place! May be even way too conceptual:) Seriosly! Seeing shoes on a luxurious bed or even in bathroom during the presentation may be funny, but can you imagine yourself buying clothes at such place? I can hardly imagine stepping on a toiled to reach 50% discounted pair of shoes.:) But the atmosphere is definitely perfect there! That is why we’ve spend there so much time, chatting with guests and designers, taking pictures…
  • There are not that many places in the world where we can feel like home while doing our job. And Riga is one of them. We are here now for our third fashion week but for the first time representing only our blog and I couldn’t be more proud! Though we have missed previous season, I still feel like we were here a few days ago. And mostly because of the friendly people we always meet here. Just imagine, Riga Fashion Week celebrates it’s 20st season and some of people are working here since the very first fashion show! Isn’t it crazy? I can’t believe it’s true, cause Moscow fashion week crew changes each season:)

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    Not just a background

    by Kseniia
    by Kseniia

    Once we had a discussion in one of my social network about the real aim of outfit bloggers. To show their style? To receive free clothes? To become models?:) There was no outfit posts in our blog for a long time, but now they’re one of the most important parts of what we’ve been doing. And I’m going to tell what each such post means to me. Though I can lose some of my clothes partners, cause they will understand that clothes is not everything I’m interested in:) But I want you to understand me better so that we can always be on the same wavelength.

  • I told you, told you, she will be back soon. Four years ago we were spending our summer in New York, watching Gossip Girl every evening. I wonder if there is something more “new yorkish” for me than You know you love me, XO XO, Gossip Girl🙂 And this march we were doing our best to organize all the shootings, meetings and relax in New Yorks, cause we’re going there at the end of April. You know, last time leaving this city we thought we’re leaving it forever. That days we didn’t have that much possibilities to travel as we do now.

  • “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”, “Great Gatsby”, “Pretty Woman”, “The Help”, “Anna Karenina” – there are so many movies coming to mind while speaking about the most stylish movies. But have you ever noticed that mostly they’re of our parents age or about past. Are there no modern movies about modern times and with modern trends? I can’t agry and happily show you my top-10 of the most stylish movie characters that inspire me each time not only to look better and think out new outfitts, but to work harder in order to reach success they have. And that’s really important for me now:)
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    Three outfits without new outfits

    by Kseniia
    by Kseniia

    Мы давно привыкли к fast fashion. Возможность за копейки покупать наряды "как с обложки", менять их каждый день и без малейшего сожаления забывать навсегда по прошествии сезона уже никого не удивляет. Однако сумки и туфли все еще остаются для нас тем, что покупается навека. И дорого. Ну, хотя бы дороже, чем топы и джинсы:) Почему? Не знаю, мы привыкли жить под диктовку, наверно. Когда-то перспектива покупать дизайнерскую одежду, сшитую не по индивидуальным меркам, казалась невозможной и повергала людей в шок. Со временем это стало нормой. Потом удивление вызывали дешевые вариации дизайнерских творений (девочки, только не путайте с подделками! О тех, кто клеит узнаваемые ярлычки на свои "вариации", мы говорить не будем). И те тоже вошли в привычку. Возможно, совсем скоро fast fashion доберется и до неприкосновенной зоны туфель и сумок. Я, например, буду этому только рада! Не так-то просто каждый раз выдумывать оригинальный наряд, имея в арсенале сильно ограниченный набор обуви…

  • Прийти на BAD GIRLS’ PARTY в наряде принцессы? Мне кажется, это лучшее, что я делала за последнее время:) Как же я люблю бренды, которые своим вниманием способны целый день превратить в настоящую сказку! Но обо всем по порядку.

    Моя сказка началась ранним утром, когда перед работой я приехала в шоу-рум, чтобы выбрать себе пару обуви из специальной коллекции Vicini for Centro для вечеринки в честь запуска этой самой коллекции (фух, долго думала, как бы перефразировать фразу, чтобы сделать ее менее нелепой, но ничего не вышло!). Девочки бегали вокруг, искали мои размеры, подбирали туфельки под платье. Так классно! Чувствуешь себя… ну, настоящей принцессой:)

  • Since I’ve made friends with Fashion2Customer show-room a couple of years ago I somehow started to change my style. Not on purpose, it just couldn’t happen other way, cause their collections inspire me for more informal, casual, city style. I hardly ever left this show-room without some new pieces and my favorite outfit I even posted in blog.

    And every season I fall in love with ICHI and Blend She – Danish brands of this show-room – style even more. And I’m sooo happy to see them responding:) Of course, our friendship was an inspiration for this post, where I’m choosing and showing you my favorite pieces from new collections.

  • Articles

    Lascana breakfast with my friends

    by Kseniia
    by Kseniia

    How impatiently I waited for my beloved Alesha and Ksusha to make photos and video from Lascana event! You’ve already seen some info about it in my Insta (@thestylejungle), and  in this post. Finally it’s time to show everything in details!

    And in my opinion everything went just perfect! For the first time in theStyleJungle history I was offered to organize event for my friends who blog. Can you imagine, it was only up to me who will see the new collection first. Such a responsibility!

    Of course, I would never allow something to go wrong when my friends are involved. So I planned all the event and invited my favorite make-up artist and hair stylist to turn our guests into queens:)


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