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  • I have no idea what can the beauty of Langkawi island in Malaysia be compared with. It’s a pure explosion of colors, layered cake of trees and plants from different periods, inhabited by amazing colorful birds and cute monkeys with hungry eyes, it’s white sand and beautiful houses, that fit into a local nature so organically as if they grew directly from the earth, and amazing sky above all that, that can be meditative and calm or crazy and angry.

    Every journey is a great chance to get beautiful photos, that you will look through with pleasure long after the vacations. And Langkawi looks like it was made for photoshoots. The best part is that you don’t even have to look for the spots for too long. For example, most of my photos for this article were made in Four Seasons Langkawi. 

    Can you believe, that this trip was the first one for me to wear ALL the clothes I packed? So, I suppose, it’s a perfect reason to show, what will you need in Malaysia to not only feel comfy, but also take some outstanding photos.

  • Willing to now, how does the last person on planet would feel like? Especially, when it’s not just a planet, but something like Mars? Just visit Kemeri – Latvia’s national park located in 50 kms away from Riga. Those amazing mossy swamps are not like any other scenery of the Earth: they are rusty green, stationary and very, very deep.

  • Бывают такие места, которые не значатся ни в одном шорт-листе желанных направлений для путешествий. Бывают такие поездки, от которых не ждешь ничего сверхъестественного, просто хочешь повидать друзей. Но в итоге после трехдневных прогулок с открытым от восторга ртом возвращаешься домой совершенно другим человеком. Такое случилось с нами в Воронеже, где мы с Алешкой открыли для себя старинные как сам мир меловые горы с фантастическими видами на квинтэссенцию русской природы, прогулялись по замку принцессы (точнее, вокруг него) и вообще, узнали и увидели много нового и невероятного. Ищите новые маршруты? Тогда обязательно посмотрите наше видео о самых удивительных достопримечательностях Воронежа!

  • A couple of weeks ago I decided to spend one of the first warm Saturdays discovering a new for me place in Moscow – Izmaylovo Kremlin. This walk might have at least two minuses. The first one is the weather – it was still not that welcoming that day, as a result – no sky on photos and a big cup of coffee to warm up. And the second one is the fact that Kremlin was only built in a year 2003, so it’s not much more than a tourist’s object. Though it looks quite realistic, far from those decorations of Disneyland villages, for example. An authentic place! So be ready to come here not for history (even despite that it was the place where Peter the First have started Russian fleet), but just to explore those colorful and very traditional decorations, to read a book by the pond and just to enjoy your own thoughts.

  • We’ve often been told, that we’re so lucky to share the same passion to travel. Honestly, I have no idea how can someone not share a passion to travel not share his soulmates passion, because what can be more valuable, than living the same special moment together with a person who thinks like you and sees the world like you. You know, I trully do think that within the time the partners of female travelers become an important part of their blogs. And I’m not saying about those “+1” travel situations, but about being in a spotlight or even growing bigger, than a founder (like it happened with our profiles in Instagram). Don’t you thibk so? Well, than just have a look at those wonderful couples, who inspire us to always travel together!

  • During this May holidays I had a chance to visit one of the most valuable sport events in Russia – Gran-Prix Formula-1. And despite being an old fan, even I was impressed by how everything was organized. Formula-1 weekend is not just about the rides, but also about thousands of different concerts, parties, shootings, celebs and that incredible atmosphere. 

  • Impossible to visit Paris without observing it from the Eiffel Tower or be in Venice and not to swim through its channels on a cute gondola. There are a lot of cities where those classical routes are a must. But there are also such places on Earth, that are worth visiting not because of their sights, but firstly because of the unique atmosphere, welcoming locals and their stories, long walks, tasty food and a brand new reality. Lots of them are situated in European countries like Italy, Spain or Portugal, but today I’m going to tell about only five, that we have visited in person.  

  • Life looks totally different behind the Arctic Circle. The sun does never disappear during the summer days and never rises completely in winter, making snowy mountains look a bit blue like they should during the sunrise. And that is exactly the place, where the remoted, unbelievable, wonderful Lapland is located.

    One of my main dreams came true this winter – we went on the edge of the Earth to find out if this winter’s fairy tale really exists. More than two monthes have passed since our journey, but those memories still make me shiver. Probably, it changed my life forever! And today I’m going to show how (and for what price) can you see the Lapland. 

  • I’ve been thinking recently, that my editor’s experience is probably an obstacle in being absolutely natural and honest in blog. Following those journalism rules, I try to fit our posts into sections, themes, formats. For example, after our February trip to Sochi mountains I planned to make an article about new restaurants, that’ve opened there since our last visit a year ago. But blog isn’t really about that, is it? In my opinion, blog is all about favorite mountains, you can never get enough of, about hotel breakfasts, when the bright sun makes you cry, about silly games till the sunrise, about the money, lost somewhere on the slopes, about so delicious, but really unglamorous grilled food, about friends, whom you’re ready to go anywhere with (Sochi and Мiami to begin with). Can I just get rid of all that? Shall I? No, I don’t – decided I today. That is why this article will have no structure, but many honest emotions instead.

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