Oktoberfest in Munich is right at it’s peak now: the first barrel was ceremonially opened and even already forgotten after a huge amount of taken beer, specially produced for the world’s largest festival; beermakers have made their traditional procession with the loud orchestras and beautiful horses through the city towards the Theresa’s meadow, where an event is held; and up to six millions tourists, who arrive in Munich every year at this dates, are happily watching all this, taking photos and drinking beer.
So Munich today is a center for everything crazily funny and interesting. And will remain like that till the 4th of October. But who was the first? Who who was the first to put on dirndl and loudly (without beer but with an amazing company) celebrate the beginning of the “fifth season in a year”, as locals call Oktoberfest? Ta-daaam, this person is right in front of you! And I’m going to show you everything:)
Second year in a row wonderful girls from the world’s largest bloggers network GLAM organize this fascinating #GlamWiesnBrunch in Munich. Honestly, it took me quite long to figure out, why they call it like that:) But the fact is, “Wiesn” means “meadow” in bavarian dealect, so, as soon as Oktoberfest is placed on a meadow, everything appears to be really logical, isn’t it?
#GlamWiesnBrunch connects bloggers from all over the world in one tiny cafe in a city center just before the festival opening, and this year I was so lucky to be one of them! And saying “lucky” I literally mean it, cause on Monday I still had no idea I’m going somewhere on Thursday. But unexpected events are usually the best ones, right? So I got ready (almost missing my plane due to a deep sleep, as usually), collected all the stuff I could, lost my sunglasses and umbrella on the way, but was there in time!
Only a day in Munich, but, oh girls, what kind of day it was! So beautiful, so overloaded with emotions, new people and new friends! When we occasionally met with the girls from Geneva and London during our hotel breakfast the next day after we all have arrived, we chatted like we knew each other for ages! Everything was so exciting. But at that moment I couldn’t even expect that the main surprises were still ahead. Cause right after having our meal, we rushed to the boutique of a local brand NOH NEE to choose our dirdl’s – traditional bavarian costumes. And headed to brunch without having any free minute afterwards!
By the way, bavarian girls really wear this dresses not only for special events, but every day as well. I saw it while in underground:) Some of them, of course, can look a bit more modern. Our’s, for example, includeed african elements. Yes, that is how sisters Marie and Rahmee from Cameroon upgraded the traditional suit. Freankly speaking, once worn – this dress would never be forgotten! So amazing, feminine it is.
I’ve asked GLAM vice-director Dagmar Schuler to tell me everything about those costumes (there are a lot of secrets in them, trust me!) and will soon reveal it all in my video from our event.
And meanwhile let’s have a look at some more outfits:
That is Patricia – GLAM social networks editor, by the way. So, I’m sure, she’ll find this post without my help:)
And here is amazing Viktoriya from TIE BOW-TIE – one of 3 russian speaking bloggers at that brunch. She currently lives in Istanbul, so, if you’re lacking the sun already, welcome to her blog! Enjoy the summer in photos at least:)
Look, how marvelous Priscilla is! She is from Geneva and is sure it is quite borring there. Can you belive her?:) By the way, her blog is called Mercredie. Try to find her hair volume secrets there!
And who is the main looser here:
Oh no, sorry, everything is fine now:):
I’m so eager to show you everything in details! Cause I’m kind of getting too lazy to write a lot and have asked all the guests, who tried to communicate with me in any way, to do something for my video for some reasons after all! But while the video is still waiting for its turn to be done, let’s have a look at the “official version”.
There could have been mine interview as well, but, I guess, my German is still not good enough to be featured:) Definitely, will use English next time, sorry for that, guys! At least, I did my best to fit into some moments so busily, that they just couldn’t get rid of my face anyway:)
And all my very special and biggest thanks to our the most glorious Natashechka for all this fun, inspiration, positive, cheerfulness and for a precious chance to visit Munich!

Never ever have I dreamed of visiting Oktoberfest, but now I’m sure I should be there next season, because our event was only the beginning of it! And do you want to come there one day? Or at any other festival? Or in Munich without any festivals at all?:) Let’s discuss it!