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  • Impossible to visit Paris without observing it from the Eiffel Tower or be in Venice and not to swim through its channels on a cute gondola. There are a lot of cities where those classical routes are a must. But there are also such places on Earth, that are worth visiting not because of their sights, but firstly because of the unique atmosphere, welcoming locals and their stories, long walks, tasty food and a brand new reality. Lots of them are situated in European countries like Italy, Spain or Portugal, but today I’m going to tell about only five, that we have visited in person.  

  • Life looks totally different behind the Arctic Circle. The sun does never disappear during the summer days and never rises completely in winter, making snowy mountains look a bit blue like they should during the sunrise. And that is exactly the place, where the remoted, unbelievable, wonderful Lapland is located.

    One of my main dreams came true this winter – we went on the edge of the Earth to find out if this winter’s fairy tale really exists. More than two monthes have passed since our journey, but those memories still make me shiver. Probably, it changed my life forever! And today I’m going to show how (and for what price) can you see the Lapland. 

  • «Just imagine. Here we are – at Borneo – together with the girls, happy. The sun is shining. We were surching for our AirBnB apartment like for ages. The address was, let’s say, 4-12-16. Somehow we figured out, that is house-floor-apartment numbers. Finally an old lady brought us to… 5-18-25, absolutely another numbers! And said: “Here it is! How could you have missed it?”. What’s on Earth is going on in their heads, I can’t understand…” – Elina sits just opposite to me in Have A Nice Day cafe, eating her fruit pizza. She is just from Tailand, where she had spent most of the winter – perfectly tanned and inspired for a new shooting season. So we finaly met to discuss, how to leave office forever and turn your life into a dream. And by the way, they’ve left Borney in a couple of days, escaping to Samui.

  • I’ve been thinking recently, that my editor’s experience is probably an obstacle in being absolutely natural and honest in blog. Following those journalism rules, I try to fit our posts into sections, themes, formats. For example, after our February trip to Sochi mountains I planned to make an article about new restaurants, that’ve opened there since our last visit a year ago. But blog isn’t really about that, is it? In my opinion, blog is all about favorite mountains, you can never get enough of, about hotel breakfasts, when the bright sun makes you cry, about silly games till the sunrise, about the money, lost somewhere on the slopes, about so delicious, but really unglamorous grilled food, about friends, whom you’re ready to go anywhere with (Sochi and Мiami to begin with). Can I just get rid of all that? Shall I? No, I don’t – decided I today. That is why this article will have no structure, but many honest emotions instead.

  • It may look like we’ve only visited Finland in winter in order to find out where to go in summer:) And Кytaja is definitely one of the destinations no matter if you love golf or not. And if you are in Kytaja, visiting beautiful cosy Hyvinkaa, that is only 12 kms away, is a must. It is proud of its cleanest air (thanks to the pime woods around!) and a summer beer rock-festival, that annualy attracts around 10 000 visitors.

  • Чтобы прочитать запись на русском (что, конечно, будет подробнее и интереснее!), кликните на иконку с флажком на панели меню.

    In the begining of April we’ve visited Riga Fashion Week once again. Of course, within the years of our friendship with this event, both of us have already chosen our own favorites, but we’re also always ready for a new discoveries. What was so special in fall-winter 2016 collections? We decided to show it in a new way – sharing each his own opinion. Let’s see, if husband and wife do always have the same point of view?

  • If there were no pauses in between the travels, people should have invented them. Because that anticipation, plannings and that desire to experience new emotions an impressions are what the mood of a future journey is made of. But to my shame, I’m kind of a cheater: always trying to feel myself on the other edge of Earth even if I’m not going anywhere. That is exactly what happens while dinning in “45 parallel“, where minimalistic 8 pages of the menu include the cuisine of different countries, situated on that “golden parallel” – they produce the most harvest, have the best landscapes and the hottest temperaments – evaluated by Regis Triguel (the one to design Insta-favorite menu for “Brasserie Most”, by the way). So, let’s give it a try?

  • It may sound not very objectively or turn to be far from the truth, but I always thought, that Moscow has lost its historical spirit. Seriosly, just think of Petersburg. Verona. Samarkand, in case you know, how it looks like. Makes any sence now? But luckily we still have several wonderful places, where time had stopped long ago. Where you still expect to meet ladies in huge dresses with laced umbrellas while walking. And Arkhangelskoe estate is one of those. We have a very special relationships with this palace. Alesha spent his childhood living just across the road and I’m a frequent visitor lately. But I’m sill always surprised with the stories about how they used to play football, ski or jump into the Moscow-river in here. Here, where such a long history is kept! Where tourists come to be fascinated! And for them it’s just a playground from childhood. Now I quite undestand, how those huge houses looked like for people, who used to live in them! 

  • So much was already said about Finland in this blog! If you only open country tag, you will immediately get inside the world of close connection with nature, total relax and cozy hapiness of living here and now. That is just how Finland looks like! And despite I will never get bored to describe this amazingly comfy feeling you get while traveling in this country, today’s post is going to be more practical. Here is the way to spend a week on a golf resort by the lake in an incredibly beautiful house for only 150 euros.

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