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  • If you follow me on Instagram (@thestylejungle), you a) don’t know yet, that I’ve already visited that amazing and so emotional exhibition of Frida Kahlo works in Saint-P. (what I’m going to show tomorrow!); b) already know, that I was chosen to be one of two Russian ambassadors for the Swedish social project ShareWear.

    ShareWear’s idea is to pay people’s attention onto a problem of throwing 7 million tones of fabrics every year and to offer a good solution. VisitSweden and Swedish Institute offer not to throw, but to share clothes! They collaborated with local brands to create a collection, that you can not buy, only borrow.

  • Hey, dears! While you’re watching this sunny photos from Egypt (can you imagine, how hot it was there, that I could hardly survive in this sweater?), we’re on our way to snowy wonderland of Finland. Don’t forget, that our first daily vlog experiment is ahead! Please, subscribe to our chanel and, starting from the 14th of February, we will post a video per day befor 10 AM. We won’t publish them here, so will wait for your comments under the videos on YouTube! I truly believe, that honest videos like that are the best way to explore the country without actually being there. Do you, guys, agree?

  • I should be honest with you, we don’t celebrate St. Valentine’s Day. Not on purpose, no. It’s just that we are not a celebrating all year round type of people: Alesha usually works on New Year Eve (he is a DJ, in case you didn’t know), our first wedding anniversary we were apart, saying nothing about Birthdays… But it doesn’t mean I wish you the same:) I’m pretty sure, many people will use this day as a reason to spend time with their “valentine”, as soos as it’s also a weekend this year! Most of the hotels think of a special program with champagne and chocos in a room for those days, so you can have a great time without bothering to organize everything yourself. 

    Here are 4 hotels close to Moscow, that you would never regret to pay a visit. We checked everything ourselves!

  • Somehow it happened, that Insta travel content is all about girls these days. They might be photograpers, who discovered all the advantages of the new social network, or former bloggers. moving to the more convenient platform, or just those, who continue on blogging or vlogging in addition to Instagram. But lately I bump into more and more profiles of male travelers, who have that unique view on our planet. They make photos so simple, but amazing, that we will never be able to repeat. So, please, no flatlays, croissants and selfies today. Only wild and mesmerising nature, captured by the most talanted people from all over the world. Enjoy and subscribe! 

  • Travel

    All roads lead to. Riga’s Old Town

    by Kseniia

    Speaking about Riga’s Old Town, I can only be sure in two things: you want to get back there again and again, and it’s impossible to navigate here:) Well, yes, you might say, that you can easily find your way from point A to point B in Old Town and so do I. But just because I memorize streets and buildings and not because I have a map in my head. There is just no logic:) Amazingly cozy Old Town firstly appeared in XIII century and turned to be a wonderful mixture of walls, yards, tiny churches and giant cathedrals, as well as narrow streets.

  • Sometimes it can be too hard to realize, how beatiful the Earth is. How many amazing places, that are worth visiting, how many unusual activities and the most delicious food is out there! I wish, everyone had a chance to see, feel and understand every little part of our life. Remember, even a tiny moment can be a great experience, that you will remember for ages. Today I’m gonna share some of my to-do points, that I really dream about. Hope, this list would be a great inspiration for all of us!

  • They suddenly asked my permission to seat at my table, when I was somewhere deep in my thoughts already. It was cold outside, probably even too cold for the end of October, but that freezing transparent cold was the one to let that smooth sun shine inside a glazed verand of a home-style cafe. Hot coffee was warming me up from the inside and a quite art lecture in the next room was too lulling. But there was something really special in these two, that made me return to the reality. They had life in them! That amazing, strong sence of life, that involves each part of you. Everything form the way they talked to each other to how she ate her tiny dessert was so special! I was too shy to stare at them, but just couldn’t resist. Luckily, my shortsighted habit to hold the phone in front of the eyes allowed me to have a sneek peek. I wanted to know everything about them and tell everyone about them. “Excuse me, can I, please, take a picture of you?” – I asked finally. “Sure, but what for?”. “Well, you see, I have a web-site, where I show my journeys…” “Do you mean, blog?” – he gave me a napkin and a pen, that was in his pocket. I left him this address. 

    It was a Saturday market at Кalnciema, a unique wooden district of Riga, where you can always meet such memorable and inspiring people.

  • Oh no, you know, guys, how much do I hate posts like this one? Of course, there’s nothing cooler, than look through all the photos and videos once again. But that’s only one side of a coin. And on the other side, it means that the journey you was thinking about for the last 6 months belongs now to the past. Isn’t it sad? But I hope, it only means, that new adventures are about to come! And while I wait, let’s one more time have a look on everything we posted about Skoda test-drive in Czech, we visited this summer. Are you ready for a fast drive?

  • ArticlesTravel

    How to travel for free? 11 cool ideas

    by Kseniia

    My dear friends, you do often write, how jealous you are, that we have a chance to travel so much. Of course, I understand how lucky we are to have that opportunity, but, trust me, it doesn’t mean you can not travel even for free or for a very low budget. That’s why I decided to combine all the tricks on how to see the world without debts and credits. Some of those we tried ourselves, others were told by our friends. But anyway, the information is really useful! I hope, my today’s post will open you the door to the destinations you previously only dreamed about!

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