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  • And here it finally comes! The real spring is out there and is about to change into summer. Honestly, we waited for it way too long! And are you, guys, already ready for this hot season? I truly hope the answer is “no”, cause we with Calipso brand of shoes and accessories have prepaired something very special for you. Next month we are going to post a new trend in shoes and clothes every Friday (and here is how good I am in maths – 5 trends and a month match perfectly for me), so afterwards you will be 100% ready for summer! I couldn’t be more happier than to have Calipso as my partner in this project, cause, girls, they literally have everything in stores! It was quite complicated to stop myself from picking new and new pairs, otherwise I couldn’t even carry them to the car:) And the prices are good as well (you know, how shoked I am by the way too high prices of my favorite shoe brands…).

    So, let’s begin?

  • I remember clearly how I once asked my colleague why does she always travel only to Israel. But I visited this country myself and understood everything:) Israel really has a very special place in my personal top of must visit countries. You see, there are places like “You should go to Switzerland” or “Beach vacation? Miami is a good option”. But Israel always goes without saying to any kind of tourists.:) By the way, I recently found out that some people actually decided to visit Israel after my photos:)

    There is no such place anywhere else on Earth. That is why this very post is so sad for me. Cause it means that everything I shooted in Israel is over!! There are only a couple of more photos, I’m gonna show now, and a short summary of everything I posted after our blog tour.

  • Travel

    Golden Ring of Moscow: Pereslavl-Zalesskiy

    by Kseniia

    Whatever happens with the weather now, it will get better one day. Cause there is summer ahead anyway:) And that would be the time, when we all will suddenly wait for new emotions, impressions and travels. Pereslavl-Zalessky is a good idea for such case. This old town between Moscow and Yaroslavl is made for a 1-2 days trip.

    Don’t know what to wait for there? Than have a look at our video and try to imagine how cool it would be there in summer. To make imagination run, watch in HD!:)

  • We met with Julia, Live Up! blog author a realy long time ago (it was the first day of that Gaudi printet Seat test-drive, as far as I can remember:) ), but somehow this interview stayed undone for many months. Well, I might have a couple of ideas, why!

    Julia is such a strong and determinated person. Three years ago she changed her life and eating habbits totally. And I’m still here, dreaming, but not making it. But let me feel shamed now! Hope, this post will make me stop finding reasons for another peace of chocolate.

  • Getting ready for Quiksilver New Star Camp in Sochi, we, honestly, had no idea what to expect for. Alesha was never on ski resort before and I only visited Switzerland, in winter, but still have never seen those in Russia. That’s why first days were all about surprising about how beautiful and wonderful was everything organized there. Right after arriving we went to the cafe-grill on the main square and enjoyed sun and delicious food there and couldn’t believe there are five more days of a pure happiness and a unique atmosphere of a great snowboarding community.

    Today I’m going to show how a vacation in Krasnaya Polyana during Quiksilver New Star Camp looks like and how much it can cost. Trust me, comming here once, you will not wish to go anywhere else!:)

  • Travel

    Krasnaya Polyana. Panoramas

    by Kseniia
    Though Quiksilver New Star Camp runs till the 5th of April, for us it finished yesterday. And I’m currently having some kind of addiction: I don’t want to work, eat sweets all the time and waiting for the sun impatiently. I’m not sure if this post will hurt me even more or will be some kind of relief, but today I’m going to show yu some really cool panoramic photos of this camp and those crazy mountains, that surprise and inspire.
  • Getting ready for Quiksilver New Star Camp, I and Alesha promised each other to update blog daily, but at my very first ride I managed to hurt my right hand so badly, that even after 3 days I can hardly type:) Of course, this pain is nothing in comparison with that of guys participating in Nissan X-Tour earlier today. Some of them couldn’t even get up without help! I feel bad when I only remember it!.. Anyway, today I only can afford photo post, while it’s still hard for me to write.
  • We were waiting for so long! And here we are, finally in Sochi, all seasons resort Gorki Gorod, where Quiksilver New Star Camp for snowboarders runs right now. Gosh, guys, what an atmosphere is here! Organizers and those, who arrived before us, made it really incredible. We yet didn’t have time to ride, but spent a wonderful half-day on 540 meters above the sea, enjoying wonderful views and that happy mood I now really want to share with you.

  • There is a true animal cult in Israel! Seems like each second citizen in Tel-Aviv has a dog. My favorite moment from our trip is that French woman, trying to teach her dog on the beach. She came there to learn language and took dog with her. Theu were such a happy and harmonious couple! Smaller cities are ocupied by cats. Especially places like Dolphin Reef (they only have 8 dolphins, but obviously way more cats).

    And today we are going to look through almost all animals I met during my trip to Israel.

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