New season of Riga Fashion Week has just started. Sadly, I’m not there this time due to my job. But I’m happy to announce that my lovely Masha and Yana are covering it, so I at least can follow them. And in order not to feel such an outsider, I decided to show you this small video about our last season. Can you imagine, how hard it was to fit all that wonderful 5 days in a small video?:) Hope we managed to do it.
People say, it’s going to be warmer outside next week. Up to +10! Well, all I can think about now is -8 this week and that freezing, angry cold, that felt even colder than in February, And so it’s just the time to share this sunny, hot shooting we made in Volgograd this summer. That moment it was just as hot as now it is cold. We are never in a middle of smth:) By the way, where are all my readers from? What kind of wheather is it by your side now?
Almost all girls from our summer travel project have already posted their photos, so now it’s just the time to show our favorite shoots. But first of all I want to mention that all the photos were chosen by Alesha as soon as it was meaningless to do it myself. I really love each, cause they are the part of the most important memories.
Only yesterday we came back from our small honeymoon (ta-daaam!). And today I already forced Alesha to get the first part of photos made there ready. I now can legally do this even if the only reason is not wanting to throw myself into Moscow awful weather when everything I can think about is the prefect, warm and cozy Verona with it’s happy citizens and their dogs. So let the part of it stay not only in our hearts but in our blog as well.
So funny, recently some people commented on Alesha’s photos from New York, that he would never do the same for Russia. If those people only knew about our summer project:) That was so beautiful and important for us, that I can’t wait to share all the wonderful photos, made in this the most unusual, the most memorable and productive trip in the history of The Style Jungle – Live your Life, Love your City.
Today I’m going to post some photos, made with our new camera – multicopter. I’m always so happy to meet any new gadgets that would help us to capture all the beauty we were lucky enough to see. And on this trip photos personally I can look for ages. Can’t wait to "fly" over other Russian cities. I can hardly imagine how much more there is hidden on these giant territories.
I want to be honest with you. Be ready for several traveling posts in a row. That is how I try to shut my conscience blaming me for the small number of posts brought from different travels up. That is what happened to me after watching our Russian journey with American Eagle Outfitters, my trip to Czech with Skoda and Israel with Sela videos in a row (that is how it always works with me – as I only start, I can never stop). Though being so irresponsible, I still have smth new and interesting to show.
This blog is now about 3 years old, of which the last one was not only like having hobby, but a job, with it’s plans, targets and earnings. But you probably have no idea how many times I wanted to quit, suffering without development. But as you can see we are still here, dreaming, making, hoping. Not always successfully, but always from our hearts and wanting at least one person on Earth to smile.
It’s only your fault, guys. If my outfits are as much interesting for you as other posts, here we go with another one. In some new clothes, what’s more! I was surprised by how quick all my dreams came true – as only I decided, that I need some new blouses to fit the chief editor status, I immediatelly found the perfect ones in Uniqlo during bloggers’ press day. But this time I failed with the decision to think a little, cause while I was thinking, someone else bought all the perfect light grey blouses were out of stock. But anyway now I’m the lucky owner of the purple one.
Huh, my dear girls, I complitely have no time to write something intellectual here. Well, there is always time, to be honest, but not always enough strength in me:) I promise to do my best, cause even I myself feel a little sad, when there is nothing more than personal style photos here. You know what, I have this blog for three years now, but still think of my outfit posts like of smth to fullfill emptiness when I don’t have a possibility or an inspiration to make “a good” post. Interesting, what do you think of such kind of content?
My dear all! Let me begin with the important information! There is finaly the new theme for our flashmob “I can do that as well”. And I can definitely say – it was worth waiting! The theme is so interesting, so wide and personal, that I can’t wait to see all you will create for it. And now head to for details. And don’t forget to post links to your blogs there in comments, so that we know who is in.
An I, in meanwhile, am going to lowly show you my outfit. Lowly, because we suddenly realized I’m run out of clothes never being shooted and I’m sure it’s kinda borring for us and you to see all the same every time. So there won’t be any epic dress from the red carpet like after Moscow fashion week show , sorry.