Due to all the travelling preparings we didn’t have enought time to visit Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia this season. The only exception was Mariano di Vaio blog talk I was hosting and a couple of fashion shows by my beloved or new for me designers. One from the last group is Zalina Verkhovskaya, the season’s debutant. I’m always curious about totally new collections, which you can’t have any pre-opinion about yet. It’s better to formulate it yourself, isn’t it? Hope you also like to find new interesting names, cause we prepared special video coverage for you. This day was kind of crazy, but very emotional and magical anyway.
Please, feel free to share your opinion about the collection in comments. Let’s compare our feelings!

I’m wearing:
Dress Zalina Verkhovskaya
Heels Vicini for Centro
Bag TUA Braccialini