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  • When you meet one of Mini cars, it’s like you meet your old friend. You want to ask: “How are you?”, because you understand that a lot of things changed from your last meeting. But you still have a lot of good memories to share. Because we were travelling together across beautiful wineries in Krasnodar Regionexploring traditional handicrafts of Moscow Region in Russia. And that time was awesome because we were together. This new Mini Cooper S Convertible 2017 is like your old friend who still looks very stylish and fast.

  • We all have moments like that. Moments, when you are trapped in a daily routine, lacking inspiration and unable to do what you love and really want to. There is nothing bad about those moments – we are ambitious human beings, tending to ignore rest and relaxation on our way to the top. Though we all definitely need it sometimes! When Alex and I realised we have no more energy to keep the pace, we knew it was time to recharge our batteries. And what can be better than a good old road trip? Well, technically it wasn’t even a road trip – just about 1.5 hour drive from Tauranga to the neighborhood region Coromandel. But Gosh, how awesome it was! Only two days and we felt refreshed and energised once again. And here is our plan for a perfect escape to Coromandel.

  • Kiwis are huge tea lovers. And who wouldn’t be when morning and evening tea breaks are paid by your employer and your father (or more likely – grandpa) is from Great Britain? Knowing how much kiwis value everything made locally, own tea plantation was only a matter of time. But the only commercial plantation in New Zealand is not only about the drink itself. Zealong Tea Estate is an aristocratic club with lots of attractions where everything is made on a highest level!

  • Lifestyle

    Cheers to this fall

    by Kseniia

    Never ever yet had I experienced autumn as incredible as this year. Every morning I wake up inspired and full of energy, every cup of coffee tastes amazing, every new experience makes me smile. Truly, you need nothing more but a sense of harmony to feel happy. And though this delicate rare state of pure balance consists of thousands factors, by the end of April I managed to figure out my two key points that lead to the best autumn ever.

  • Hawke’s Bay is a perfect getaway for a weekend. But if you’re going somewhere even for two days, you want to make sure you have somewhere to sleep at night, right? And in Napier, which is the capital of Hawke’s Bay (as if you didn’t know it), you can’t just stop anywhere. I mean, it’s an art-deco capital of the WORLD, why would you choose any other hotel rather than the one full of the appropriate symbols and atmosphere? Here are the two perfect options for every budget.

  • You guys might probably remember how excited we were in December, when the summer UNO. magazine issue was published. The reason? It contains 3 articles written by me with the photos taken by Alex. How awesome is that? And as soon as all the articles are now available online, I thought it would be nice to show you them in blog as well.

  • Four days ago vegan cafe The Nourished Eatery launched awesome deal – 30 coffees for $30. They see it as a perfect opportunity to educate more people on dairy-free products. I see at as a perfect chance to visit one of the favorite places more often. And for some people it might be a perfect reason to fall in love with this cafe. Though it’s definitely worth it, cheap original coffees are not the only reason to love it, trust me. And here are some more!

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