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by Kseniia

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  • Travel

    Winter paradise: Arosa (Switzerland)

    by Kseniia
    by Kseniia

    That is how handsome the life in Switzerland can be! Well, not for everybody, of course, but for those who live and work in Arosa, that is 3 hours by train away from Zurich and 1 700 meters above the sea level (all the anders, I bet, do not complain as well). I was lucky to visit this place thanks to the invitation of the Tschuggen Grand Hotel. This journey had completely changed my opinion about the winter holidays. Honestly, I was always a type of person, preferring summer beaches to snowy mountains ( really feel like having enough snow for half a year here in Moscow). Th first surprise I discovered was that actually it’s not really cold in mountains. I even got tanned:) So it was an absolutely new way to have rest and an incredible enjoyment. .

    After we arrived, I had a little time for a walk through the city and the next day we went to the mountains, so today I’m going to show you some photos of the wonderful views I managed to do those days.

  • ArticlesLifestyle

    Just me! Roberto Cavalli

    by Kseniia
    by Kseniia

    Well, I told you, that New Year officially starts after the 11th of January:) And here I am, sitting at the airport at 7 a.m., writting new blog post. I just can’t resist this stereotype of a girl, sitting with her laptop and coffee in front of the airplanes… Posts, made before flights, are becoming more and more frequent here! At least, I’m not sitting in front of the window with my hair curled, writting those inverted phrases, imagining my inner Bradshow coming out:) And in order you are not bored here without me (I really love to think it’s possible!), I’m going to tell you about the must-read book.

  • When I’m saying I’m in love with food I literally mean it. Alesha sometimes thinks I have an addiction, like from drugs:) ‘m one of those eating tasty dish till the end even if they are about to burst.

    And because of that we could have never skipped an invitation from London restaurant CUT for a dinner, despite the fact we were so tired that day that only wanted to stay in room and lie on a bad. Despite even the fact I don’t eat meat and CUT is a steakhouse:)

  • Lifestyle

    #TSJGoPro Chronicles. How we spent 2014

    by Kseniia
    by Kseniia

    Let’s be honest, officialy new year starts only after the 12th of January and now we are all free to do only what we enjoy, to relax and, of course, once more remember the best moments of 2014. We with Alesha sorted out some of photos made last year with our GoPro camera and it turned out we still have lots of them never shown. So now I’m going to fix this situation and show you about 100 photos that mean so much to us.:)

  • На прошлой неделе я впервые лично ощутила всю абсурдность экономической ситуации в России. Когда вместо привычных 4 000 рублей заплатила кредит за учебу в размере 10 с лишним тысяч. Вот так-то брать долларовые кредиты:) Знаете, в тот день мне действительно стало страшно за то, что и как будет завтра. Вроде бы ситуация развивается уже не первый день, говоришь о ней постоянно, но воспринимаешь скорее как сюжет из сериала, пока это не коснется лично тебя. Но какие бы сложности не складывались вокруг, я привыкла смотреть на все с оптимизмом и верой в будущее. Вернуть привычное состояние души и правильные мысли мне помог Мишель Ломбарди, обаятельный и общительный шеф-повар ресторана "Река". Вообще-то, Мишель ведет свой блог на сайте marieclaire.ru и делает это так интересно, так живо, что я немедленно напросилась на личное знакомство!

  • Travel

    Virtual guide to Verona streets

    by Kseniia
    by Kseniia

    I’m always angry with how Alesha manages to keep our photos and videos undone for a long time. We still have so much to show you from London! But what to say about London if we even haven’t showed everything we shooted in America more than half a year ago! But may be this is the biggest enjoy – to remember everything while making photos in some time? It’s like a modern “family album”. Let’s be honest, we do not make those albums anymore (or do you?)^ so that is probably a new version of the tradition.

    So there are no photos of naked crying kids in our family album, only wonderful photos of a beautiful Verona – a place, where are family story started after wedding.

  • TravelVideo

    Videoguide to amazing Verona

    by Kseniia
    by Kseniia

    My dears, I’m here, I’m with you, I’m still alive:) Last week was way to crazy and even my trained brain couldn’t make it: we are just back from our fantastic trip to London with Next.com.ru, just moved in our first flat with Alesha, everything seems so strange and new now, and my job is growing from busy to over-busy and I can hardly name the day of the week now, living in my own world (but that is not a complain!).

    The only thing bringing me back to reality is our blog, which accasionally turned into the guide to the past: we were here, than here, seen this, spoke about that… OK, now I can remember everything!:)

    So let’s go through the days of our honey weekend trip to Verona today. Remember them still?

  • Our short trip to Verona was probably one of the most exciting experiences this year. And not only because it was our wedding journey:) But also because of how unexpectedly strong we fell in live with this city. Of how people live here, what they see everyday, what is realy important for them. But I already told a little about that. And what I yet never mentioned is our outstanding hotel. Without it our journey was probably not even close that perfect. Or perhaps it was, but definitely not that luxurious. 🙂


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