Oktoberfest in Munich is right at it’s peak now: the first barrel was ceremonially opened and even already forgotten after a huge amount of taken beer, specially produced for the world’s largest festival; beermakers have made their traditional procession with the loud orchestras and beautiful horses through the city towards the Theresa’s meadow, where an event is held; and up to six millions tourists, who arrive in Munich every year at this dates, are happily watching all this, taking photos and drinking beer.
So Munich today is a center for everything crazily funny and interesting. And will remain like that till the 4th of October. But who was the first? Who who was the first to put on dirndl and loudly (without beer but with an amazing company) celebrate the beginning of the “fifth season in a year”, as locals call Oktoberfest? Ta-daaam, this person is right in front of you! And I’m going to show you everything:)