I can hardly believe, that at least four of my friends do have their own books now! But only “Stylish travels” by Anna Sharlay was literally born in a real time. I’ve followed all the process on Facebook:) Without too much enthusiasm, freankly speaking, cause was quite convinced, that there’s nothing new about travels and packing to be told to me and Alesha. But even with that attitude, I’ve read “Stylish travels” twice before sharing my emotions!
Journey is also a perfect chance to create your style. You’re a stranger in a new country, so can pretend to be anyone: confident business lady, sensual beauty, easygoing backpacker.
“Stylish travels” is way more, than just an instruction about how to pack your suitcase the best way. It’s a pitty, that a heading can’t show everything hidden inside. I can imagine, how many people refused to buy it due to a borring heading. As a professional stylist and psychologist, Anya teaches with ease ans irony, how to improve your personal style during travels. All the advice are followed by a personal experience and her own illustrations. Book pages literally go live while reading!
I especially liked the large variety of themes. Here are just a few paragraphs: “Weather and your wardrobe”, “How to shop as a professional stylist”, “A couple of words about different nationalities”, “A journey to a conservative country”, “How to pack cosmetics and medicine”. How do you like that? After reading this book, you feel how everything gets sorted out in your head. Hoave no idea, if you’ve noticed the changes, but this book really inspired me on all the outfits for our daily vlogs from Finland. I now feel so proud of myself, because it was the first time I really enjoyed dressing and applying a make-up everyday!